Entrepreneurship Development Category

To whom –

Young enthusiastic person who are willing to start Business and already engaged in business

Objectives –

participants will be able to reveal their entrepreneurship skills, brush up their business knowledge, Develop the business Ideas and Build up a business plan

Key areas  –

Achievement Motivation Technique (AMT), Entrepreneurship development, Best practices of successful entrepreneurs, Management functions & Preparing business Plan.

Fees –  Totally free

Note – Special attention for age below 40 years

To whom –

Young People  who are seeking business  Ideas

Objective –

participants will be able to identify business opportunities among suitable business ideas which they can start as a business

Key Areas  –

Introduction to business sectors and models, Selecting business ideas, Feasibility Study, SWOT Analysis & Implementation of  business  ideas.

To whom –

People  who are looking for new business  opportunities

Objective –

By the end of the Programme, participants will be able to change their thinking patterns to encourage and run a business creatively

Key Areas  –

New Trends of Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Innovations

To whom –

People who are willing to develop positive attitudes

Objective –

By the end of the programme, Participants will be able to  develop  attitude, knowledge & skills and, motivate & change their thinking patterns related to business

Key Areas  –

Positive thinking, Characteristic of entrepreneurs & Preparing of action plan

To Whom:-

Young people who are seeking to start a new business


By the end of the Programme, participants will be able to  develop  Attitude, Knowledge & skills regarding to business

Key Areas:-

Attitude development, Basic management knowledge, Rules & regulations of  business field, Costing, Experience of success entrepreneur, Importance of bookkeeping

Management skills development category

To whom –

The young people who are running a business with employees


By the end of the programme, participants will be able to develop  the knowledge of  management functions

Key Areas  –

Planning, Organizing, Leading &  Controlling

To whom –

Small business owners who are having managerial issues

Objective –

By the end of the Programme, participants will be able to develop knowledge and skills of  Business Management

Key Areas  –

introduction of management, steps of management process,  categories of management

To whom –

Business owners who have employees

Objective –

By the end of the Programme, participants will be able to develop the ability of managing employees

Key Areas  –

Basic Human Resources Management, how to motivate employees, HR tools, HR strategies, rules and regulations, evaluation and welfare

To whom –

Managers and supervisors who are seeking better problem solving and decision making skills, and  want to take their critical thinking to the next level by using their experience and intuition to make the right moves and decisions

Objective –

participants will be able to build and expand decision making skills, critical thinking and creative problem solving skills, Employ creativity and lateral thinking as business tools, Analyze and solve actual problems facing them at work, Gain confidence in asking the ‘right questions’ and overcoming the stress of making complex decisions, Demonstrate and build credibility with upper management

Key Areas –

Problem Solving tools, methods

Innovation and technology development category

To whom – Entrepreneurs who need technical knowledge individually.

Objective – To improve quality of productions

Key Areas  – Depend on requirement.

To whom -Entrepreneurs who need knowledge of information technology.

Objective – To apply IT knowledge for maximizing the organizational targets.

Key Areas  – What is Information Technology, Application of  IT for Business,

To whom – Entrepreneurs  who need to develop production process.

Objective –To develop effectiveness and efficiency of the production process.

Key Areas  – What is the production process?, How to develop production process according to the organizational objectives / targets.

To whom – Entrepreneurs who need effective layout.

Objective – To develop proper production environment

Key Areas  – What is a layout?, How to develop a layout?, Benefits of accurate layout

To whom – Entrepreneurs who need to develop productivity of their businesses

Objective – To build effective and efficient business environment.

Key Areas  – What is productivity? How to apply productivity methods? How can maintain productivity continuously?

To whom – Entrepreneurs who need business standards.

Objective – To obtain the business standards.

Key Areas  – What are standards?, Benefits of standards, the process acquiring the standards.

Finance management and finance literacy development category

To whom – Entrepreneurs who need to keep basic accounts.

Objective – To keep accounts accurately.

Key Areas  – What is accounting , The importance of keeping accounts, What are the basic documents related to the accounts , How to prepare trial balance, According to trial balance prepare final accounts, Analyzing etc.

To whom – Entrepreneurs who didn’t know the cost for their productions (goods and services)

Objective – Make them aware how to calculate cost for their productions

Key Areas  – Cost, Costing, Calculate the cost for own products

To whom – Entrepreneurs who didn’t have a plan for their businesses.

Objective – To prepare a practical plan for the own business.

Key Areas  – What is a plan,  The importance of a business plan,  Format of a business plan, How to collect data for the plan, To prepare final business plan, How to forward to the financial institutes

To whom – Entrepreneurs who have lack of financial management skills

Objective – To manage cash within the business to maximize profit

Key Areas  –  What is a cash flow, How to manage cash flow to maximize profit.

To whom – Entrepreneurs who didn’t keep records for stocks.

Objective – To keep sufficient stock to run the business smoothly.

Key Areas  –                 

What is stock, How to keep stock records, How to manage stocks to maximize profit, Importance of the stock record keeping.

To whom – Entrepreneurs who didn’t know how to keep transactions

Objective – To practice and keep transactions

Key Areas  –      

What is transaction, The importance of keeping transactions, How to write  (keep) transaction, How to keep transactions according to the IYB (Improve Your Business) system

At the end – Practice to keep transactions

To whom – Entrepreneurs who need to manage working capital.

Objective – To calculate and manage accurate working capital

Key Areas  – What is working capital, How to manage working capital profitably.

Marketing development category

To whom –  Entrepreneurs /SMEs those who don’t have sufficient market opportunities for their products and services.

Objective –    Identifying  Entrepreneur’s products and services at the grassroot level and getting steps for market development.

Key Areas  –  Evaluating business, Product/ service and individual entrepreneur identify training and technical needs , advising and assist  to improve their  Business and personal skills.

To whom –  Micro and small entrepreneurs those who are producing mass scale production and having lack of market opportunities

Objective –    To make a linkage between micro and small entrepreneurs with large scale buyers

Key Areas  –   Improve product and service quality and production capacity, Creating various market and business opportunities creating a business linkage among SMEs

To whom –  Micro and small scale entrepreneurs those who are eager to find regional, national and international market opportunities

Objective –  Gathering entrepreneurs those scattered regionally and islandwide to one market place and create periodical market opportunities through delivering sustainable market explorer

Key Areas  – Sharing experience,  Make a linkage between micro and small scale entrepreneurs with large scale buyers

To whom – Micro and small scale entrepreneurs those who are having lack of quality regarding product appearance and packaging

Objective – Make  readiness of the SMEs’ products for market by  improving appearance and packaging

Key Areas  – Improve product  appearance, Creating package of product in an attractive the customer, Improving hygiene factors  and durability

To whom –  SMEs those who are not having proper brand and willing to develop a brand

Objective – Uplift the product/ Service  through developing a recognized brand at competitive market

Key Areas  – Emphasizing importance of brand to SMEs, Creating brands and facilitating to promote their brands

To whom –

For owners of small and medium scale enterprises who wish to enhance their knowledge and competencies in marketing management

Objective –       

Increasing  business growth through developing  marketing skills and capacities of SMEs owners

Key Areas  –     

Importance of Marketing, Customer/competitor analysis, Marketing audit/SWOT analysis, Marketing concept and marketing mix, Market segmentation and target marketing, Market research, Strategic marketing plan formulation etc

To whom – SMEs owners those who don’t have a marketing plan for their businesses

Objective – Creating a well defined marketing roadmap to achieve their business goals within a time frame

Key Areas  – An introduction to market research and market planning, Identifying target market, Positioning, Competitive analysis, Market strategies, Preparing marketing plan with budgeting

To whom – SMEs owners those who have lack of skills and capacity of customer care and customer handling

Objective – Improve  the skills in customer caring for maximizing the profit of business through delighted customer

Key Areas  – Importance of customer care, Service skills that matters, Patience, Attentiveness, Clear communication skills, Ability to use positive language, Time management skills etc

To whom – SMEs owners those who have lack of essential  marketing tools like business page/ website, Business logo, Visiting cards etc.

Objective – Create a sustainable market for SMEs through  developing essential  marketing tools for business

Key Areas  – Creating business logo, Creating business page, Creating visiting cards, Knowledge of operating business page etc.

Enabling environment

To whom – Entrepreneurs who have problems regarding business matters such as Business registration, Financial problems, Standards, Barcodes.

Objective – To direct and overcome specific problems

Key Areas  – According to the situation ( it depends on the problem)

To whom – Entrepreneurs who have labourers.

Objective – To make awareness about labour rules

Key Areas  – Who is the labourer, What are the labour rules, How to apply labour rules for own business

To whom – Entrepreneurs who need to know business laws and regulations.

Objective – To make them aware about business laws and regulations

Key Areas  – What is a business and categories of business, Explain business laws and regulations according to the business categories.

Business and follow up consultancy

To whom – Entrepreneurs who completed SED Programs and who wants help to develop their businesses.

Objective -To get the idea about ongoing businesses (Product or Service), Understand their problems and give them solutions to develop businesses.

Key Areas  – Get idea about the current status of the business

To whom – Entrepreneurs who completed SED Programs and who wants help to develop their businesses.

Objective -To get the idea about ongoing businesses (Product or Service), Understand their problems and give them solutions to develop businesses.

Key Areas  – Visit the business places and get idea about , location, Quality of product or service product lay out, Production process, Stock controlling system, Packaging , etc.

To whom – Who need consultation to develop their businesses

Objective – To develop the business (Quality and Market share)

Key Areas  – Understand the business ( by doing the situation analysis ), Developed the action plan and advise them to follow it up and develop Quality, Brand, Market, etc.

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