National Programmes & Events

Wyawasaya is an exhibition that portraits the truly astounding works of creativity of the young Sri Lankan Entrepreneur. The aspire of the exhibition is to gather all the entrepreneurs who are spotted far and wide especially in the North and East region in Sri Lanka and convey their products and services en route for the national and international market and finding solutions for the problems faced in the market and provide maximum contribution as a part of the government sector.

It is especially useful for the huge scale local businessmen, buyers aiming the export market, a “technology zone” with the participation of government and private sector institutions to provide new technology for the rising entrepreneurs and a “banking zone” with government and private banking institutions including the central bank in providing financial consultancy.

SED Salon is a national project  which uplift the Sri Lankan beauty industry in developing skills and attitudes of the beauty salons and hairdressers in the hairdressing field with the introduction of Code of Ethics to develop professionalism as an occupation for respected artisans with the preparation of a quality service through the institutions of the Industry providing National Occupational Certification (NVQ) for occupational recognition.

SED café is a project in escalating the superiority and decree new trends in the chosen cafes in Sri Lanka. It promotes and enhances the quality of food for tourists, increase standards of cafes, persuade positive skills and attitudes of employees and café owners and uphold up-to-date database system providing a contribution for the café supply chain in the country.

The spirit of Sri Lankan entrepreneurship has been a beacon of hope for Our Nation. Sri Lankan Entrepreneurship have taken the lead in fostering growth and economic development, creating and sustaining businesses in challenging environments and have gone to yield outstanding results for the country.

The Small Enterprise Development Division salutes these outstanding and enterprising people by recognizing and rewarding them through this prestigious awards programme which is SED Awards which was  started in 2014.

SED Awards is recognized as Sri Lanka’s Premier Entrepreneurship Awards and has been recognizing business success in Sri Lanka. This gives an opportunity for a broad range of businesses from across the country to celebrate and showcase their excellence.

Objectives of the SED Awards

  • Recognize and reward entrepreneurs in the National Level.
  • Motivate and Encourage entrepreneurs to enhance their contribution to the Economic Development
  • Stimulate Entrepreneurs to seek excellence in their respective business  field

This project aims to uplift the micro business through developing financial disciplinary and changing attitude of at grassroot level. This project will implement under supervision of SED in each identified Samurdhi Zones and Samurdhi bank Societies act as key partner.

This project specially addresses to issues of informal financial methods and make micro entrepreneurs familiar to formal financial methods also.


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