How to obtain SEDD services ?

SEDD provides assistance to start new industries as well as to develop existing Business and also encourage industries by providing all the aspect of business facilities.

SEDD Head Office is established at Colombo 07. Our services are decentralized and established 25 District Offices island wide for this purpose.

Your service requirement could be fulfilled  by getting assistance from your nearest SEDD District Office or you can join with SEDD through online registration

What kind of facilities SEDD could provide to start a Business?

SEDD provides A to Z package of  services for  Starting Your Own Business. It’s  includes identification of New business opportunities, Developing Selected business idea, financial coordination and facilities, technological support capacity and skills development etc. Our island wide well trained staff is ready to assist you.

How to obtain SEDD services ?

SEDD could assist to improve your Business after carefully identifying your immediate requirement. This should be done in a systematic manner giving priority and analyzing the specific requirement.

It could be quality improvement of products, productivity development, managerial skill development, Financial coordination, Business consultation etc. Our island wide well trained staff is ready to assist you.

SEDD has specially designed a training programme for  develop Your Business.



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